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The 50
most dynamic brands in Italy

The 50
most dynamic brands in Italy

Brought to you by Integration In collaboration with CE&Co.
Home page image: The Colosseum (Coliseum), Rome, Italy
Internal page image: Trevi Fountain (Fontana de Trevi), Rome, Italy

to Check Your Brand in Italy!

What is BRANDxp?

Based on the world’s largest database of Brand Experience and engagement measurement.

BRANDxp is a unique resource as it is based on the only validated multi-contact-measurement, globally.

Ranks the 50 most dynamic brands in the market.

BRANDxp measures and ranks the 50 most dynamic brands in the market, based on their Marketing performance.
The ranking is measured using a combination of engagement with consumers and effectively converting this engagement into market share.

Reports on a whole universe of brands in Italy.

BRANDxp reports results across 3 categories in Italy.
Brand rankings and results are also available within categories;
and you can drill down the performance of your brand marketing and communications by target group.

The BRANDxp leverages the technology used
to build the worldwide MCA® database:

  • 2.3 Million consumers
  • In over 40 languages and 500 markets/categories
  • MCA audits cover a wide variety of categories: consumer packaged goods (FMCG); long purchase cycle brands; services and business to business.

Explore the MCA Technology behind BRANDxp here

Visit BRANDxp in France Belgium Peru

Why BRANDxp | Italy?

BRANDxp in Italy is your baseline, now.

The 2016 BRANDxp study has been completed in May 2016.

Your business can use it to improve marketing & communication performance:

  • Measure the effectiveness and the efficiency of your brand's marketing & communications (marcoms) among Italian consumers, across all the contacts or touchpoints (whether paid, owned and earned)
  • Understand what touchpoints and contacts works, what does not and what needs reconsidering
  • Benchmark your brand with competitors as well as brands in other categories in Italy
  • Reveal touchpoint and contact opportunities uniquely relevant to your brand
  • Align the effect of your communications with marketing and sales.

Based on BRANDxp, Integration will help you monitor your brand experience and continuously inform your decisions for better marketing performance, month after month.

Check the BRANDxp Italy technical specs.

BRANDxp Italy
Technical specs / MCA based survey

3 Categories


  • Online Access Panel
  • Fieldwork from September 2015 to June 2016

Sample Profile

  • 950 respondents per category
  • Representative sample 18-54 years within language group

How BRANDxp Works?

About Market ContactAudit®(MCA®)

By measuring how consumers react to communications rather than what communications they receive, the MCA derives reports of effectiveness, contribution, and cost efficiency of a brand´s marketing communications in a given category and market.

It quantifies how consumers experience brands through contacts or touch points by providing
a series of metrics to understand:

  • How do different contacts influence brand choice?
  • How much do they contribute to brand experience?
  • How efficiently are they delivering relative to the cost of the activity?

The MCA is a quantitative investigation of a category in a given market.
An example is: mobile phones in Germany, or compact cars in the USA.

MCA Qualitative

The objective is to develop the most comprehensive list of possible contacts, in consumer language.

New contacts are often probed with participants to be incorporated in the quantitative phase. The final outcome of the qualitative phase is a list of up to 35 contacts

MCA Quantitative

In market research, to measure and derive the influence of each contact in a given category/market.

To measure for each and every brand audited the perceived experience levels in each contact screened (brand-contact associations)

MCA Metrics

Contact Clout FactorTM:
A single indicator of the ability of each contact to influence consumer attitudes in a category/market

Brand Experience PointsTM:
The single currency for how effectively a brand communicates across different contacts.

BEP: Single Currency Measure of Brand Experience
for Each / All Contacts and Brands in the Category / Market.
BEPs Are The Only Validated Multi-Contact-Measurement... Globally

Contact Clout FactorTM

The CCFTM reveals which contacts are most influential. It is brand independent within a category.

The CCF score is synthesized from information value attractiveness value and selling power value.

A contact clout will vary
from category to category. For example: A TV commercial is likely to be more influential than a branded website within the food category, while the reverse may be true in the mobile phone category.


Associations reveal which brands consumers connect with which contacts. Associations by contact are collected for all the brands included in the audit.

Brands associations by contacts are multiplied by the weighting factor of CCF.

Some brands are well known for their TV advertising, while others may be recognized for their sports sponsorship activities.

Brand Experience PointsTM

BEPsTM are the product of brands associations with contacts and of the CCF of these contacts.

They are the single currency for how effectively a brand communicates across different contacts.

As a single currency, BEPs can be added, compared, normalized across categories, markets and time.

BRANDxp indicators are based on MCA-Data-Base
across more than 3 categories audited in Italy.

Brand Dynamism

A combined indicator, relative to competition, of the brand’s ability to engage with its consumers and to convert this engagement into market share.

Brand Power

based on the Brand Transaction RatioTM (BTRTM)

BTR is the key business indicator that reveals the brand's ability to convert Brand Experience share into market share, it is expressed as an index.

Brand Engagement

based on the Brand interaction RatioTM (BIRTM)

BIR is the key business indicator that demonstrates the brand's ability to convert 'brand awareness' into 'brand experience'. The Brand Interaction Ratio is calculated from the total brand experience scores divided by the awareness percentage for each brand. BIR Index normalizes the score compared to the average for easy interpretation.

Communication Efficiency

An indicator of the brand’s communications-spend-efficiency, relative to competition, in delivering engaging consumers’ experience.

Welcome to the First Annual
BRANDxp in Italy

The Top 50 Dynamic Brands in Italy

View Report

Ranking of most Competitive Categories in Italy

View Report

Please fill the form below to access the brand results.

Welcome to the First Annual BRANDxp in Italy

The brand reports are work in progress ...

Please contact Integration Italy
for further details Contact @ CE&Co.
Click to check reports of BRANDxp in Italy Click
Brought to you by Integration , In collaboration with CE&Co.
Most Competitive Categories (click on categories to see details)
Rank 3 categories Rank ordered by BE Threshold (1) Threshold Index

Threshold score defines the ‘minimum performance’ threshold required for a brand to generate statistically significant Brand Experience in a contact. It will help you identify what is needed to achieve visibility in the category. This in turn will enable you to make effective use of money spent on marketing and communication activities. Learn More...

(2) Index of Avg Cost/BEP (*)
1 Beer 140 46
2 MV Insurance Policies 92
3 Banks 69 154
(1) Category BE Threshold indexed on average of the 3 audits, rank ordered from the most competitive to the least.
(2) Category Avg Cost/BEP in Monitored Media indexed on average of the 3 audits. Values in Euro (€)

Category Threshold & Costs Per BEP in Monitored Mass Media









Threshold Index
46 140
0 92
154 69
Index of Avg Cost/BEP (*)
MV Insurance Policies









(*) Gross media spend for print, TV, outdoor, cinema for year ending May 2016 by CE&Co.
Brought to you by Integration In collaboration with CE&Co.

Brand Experience summary fact sheet
Based on survey May 2016


Thank you for your interest in BRANDxp.
This study is reserved to the professional community of Integration.

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